JACKPOTS NO ..... JACKPOTTING !! The Agencies in US have been warning US financial institutions that domestic ATMs are being targeted in jackpotting attacks, according to a well known security expert Brian Kerbs Jackpotting, in which thieves use a variety of tools to hack into ATMs and cause them to spill large amounts of cash on demand, has been a serious threat for several years now. The late computer hacker Barnaby Jack famously showed this computer hack in Black hat security confrence in 2010 in LAS-VEGAS were slot machines were spilling jackpots, it was a "jackpotted" ATM that got the most attention Wednesday at the Black Hat security conference, In one of the attacks, Jack reprogrammed the ATM remotely over a network, without touching the machine; the second attack required he open the front panel and plug in a USB stick loaded with malware. Jack, director of security research at IOActive Labs, focused his hack...